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Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms carefully before using this web site. Using this web site indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms, do not use this website. The following terms and conditions govern all use of the website and all content, services and products available at or through the website. The Website is owned and operated by Globally Nepal Pvt. Ltd. (the “Company”). The Website is offered subject to your acceptance without modification of all the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, policies and procedures that may be published from time to time on the Website (taken together, the “Agreement”).

Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the Website. By accessing or using any part of the Website, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then you may not access the Website or use any services.


Our Privacy Policy explains the way we handle and protect your personal data in relation to your use and browsing of the Website. By agreeing to the present terms and conditions and to be able to use the Service, you also agree to our Privacy Policy.


You agree that the Company, and any parents, subsidiaries, officers, employees or third-party contractors cannot be held responsible for any third-party claim, demand or damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of your use of this Website.


The Website and its content, mainly but not limited to its articles and guides, do not constitute and are not intended to constitute legal advice and do not establish an attorney-client relationship. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney directly. The Company does not make any warranty about the validity of the content, despite its best efforts to keep the content up to date and as accurate as possible.


It is necessary to first gain authorization before using any Documents (such as white papers, press releases, datasheets, and FAQs) from this service. Criminal prosecution will be pursued to the fullest extent.


Any website or features, its design or layout that is owned, maintained, licensed, or controlled by GlobalyHub is its property. Websites owned by GlobalyHub include content that is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws and that cannot be completely or even partially reproduced or imitated. Without prior written consent from GlobalyHub, no logo, graphic, sound, or picture from any GlobalyHub website may be duplicated or retransmitted.

Legal Disclaimer

Regarding the correctness or comprehensiveness of the information, GlobalyHub offers no promises or assurances. where forbidden by law, no information regarding rival products may be utilized or supplied. GlobalyHub shall in no circumstances, be responsible for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, lost data, or other indirect damages.

If there is any warranty for the software, it will only be in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. GlobalyHub hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the software or products, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, title and non-infringement, except as warranted in the license agreement.


COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Copyright © 2022 GlobalyHub. All rights reserved.

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us at:

Address: Yala Road, Kumaripati, Lalitpur | Nepal


GlobalyHub has made every effort to supply trademark information about company names, products and services mentioned on this service. All trademarks used by third parties are the property of such companies.

Unless otherwise stated, any names of companies, goods, people, characters, and/or data referenced here are fictional and are not meant to reflect any real individuals, businesses, products, or events. Formal consent or a license is required in order to use a GlobalyHub trademark. Visit Trademarks and Service Marks for further details.

Any rights that aren't expressly granted in this clause are reserved.


Within the limits of applicable law, the Company reserves the right to review and change this Agreement at any time. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions. Continued use and browsing of the Website after such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.


This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the substantive laws of the Government of Nepal. Any controversy, claim, or dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of the Nepal Government, the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court being expressly reserved.